The Georgia Network for Electric Mobility (GNEM) is a partnership network operating at several levels in service of our mission to catalyze and accelerate electric mobility innovation:

Level 1: Pan-university initiative across the University of Georgia’s Colleges, Schools, and organizations
Level 2: Statewide initiative within our network of industry and academic Partners
Level 3: Regional initiative with our network of partners in the Southeast as part of MAGNET

Partnership with MAGNET

The domestic electric transportation and battery sector has been presented with a significant growth opportunity as the U.S. adapts to the emerging global energy transition economy. GNEM is part of a tri-state research and innovation hub called MAGNET, which aims to address these gaps and challenges by:
1. Advancing a domestic value chain for electric vehicles and components
2. Bridging and filling the market intelligence gap in the US electric vehicle industry and improving global market competitiveness
3. Organizing the region’s extensive network of electric transportation capabilities and resources into a single, coordinated effort
4. Ensuring that the transportation revolution benefits from a well-supported infrastructure, a skilled workforce, and a robust innovation pipeline driving economic and workforce development in the region
5. Positioning the Southeastern region as a national and global economic leader in the shift towards electric transportation

MAGNET stands for Mississippi Alabama Georgia Network for Electric Transportation currently consisting of a rapidly growing list of 112 partners from industry, academia and government. The Georgia Network for Electric Mobility represents MAGNET in Georgia.

Latest News

Georgia Power representative checking out an electric vehicle with a student
Attendees socialize with each other before the start of the 2024 Electric Mobility Summit at the Classic Center. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA)

Powering the road ahead

Join the Georgia Network for Electric Mobility as we expand partnerships across the state of Georgia to advance electric mobility through workforce development, research and innovation, and community engagement.

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